Lights, Camera, Action: Transit Plan Opponents Air First Commercial

NoTax4Tracks, a political action committee, announced it is starting a television campaign today, Feb. 20, to encourage Nashville-Davidson County voters to say no to Mayor Megan Barry’s $9 billion transit plan on the May 1 ballot.

“We know people are concerned about paying one of the highest sales taxes in the country for a light rail system that does little to help congestion,” said Jeff Eller, spokesman for the campaign.  “We’re starting television advertising now, so voters fully understand how much it will cost and how little it will do. That’s why the commercial makes it clear, if this plan passes, Nashville will become Taxville.”

The commercial can be viewed here.

The commercial will air on Channels 2, 4, 5 and 17, with a heavy focus on news and “high information seekers,” the PAC said.

This will be the first of several commercials NoTax4Tracks will air prior to the May 1 election.




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2 Thoughts to “Lights, Camera, Action: Transit Plan Opponents Air First Commercial”

  1. Jay

    This is not about a transit plan. Imam Berry will not be happy until there is a TN state income tax to pay for the debt of Nashville.

  2. Kevin

    Love it! Great opening salvo. Will be interesting to see how the Mayor and her transit backers respond. The sad part is that free citizens have to spend money to fight a program funded by tax dollars. So we’re funding both sides, sad!
